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Aflați cum se pronunță fall asleep

fall asleep

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Pronunție de fall asleep cu 3 audio pronunții
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ipa : fɔːl əˈsliːp
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Semnificații pentru fall asleep

Refers to a state in which one doze off.

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

The 'Snooze Bus' helps tired passengers fall asleep
Ascultă The 'Snooze Bus' helps tired passengers fall asleep pronunția
21 best celebrity sleep stories to help you fall asleep faster
Ascultă 21 best celebrity sleep stories to help you fall asleep faster pronunția
Woman reveals how to fall asleep comfortably on planes
Ascultă Woman reveals how to fall asleep comfortably on planes pronunția
These Are the Best Sound Machines To Help You Fall Asleep—And Stay Asleep
Ascultă These Are the Best Sound Machines To Help You Fall Asleep—And Stay Asleep pronunția
'Snooze Bus' helps tired passengers fall asleep
Ascultă 'Snooze Bus' helps tired passengers fall asleep pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de fall asleep

Trend știri despre fall asleep

The 'Snooze Bus' helps tired passengers fall asleep
Ascultă The 'Snooze Bus' helps tired passengers fall asleep pronunția
Tired Hong Kongers have a new way to catch up on sleep by traveling on the 'Snooze Bus'. Passengers buy tickets for a five hour journey where the main aim is to take a nap. (Oct. 21)
USA Today USA Today
These Are the Best Sound Machines That Can Help You Fall Asleep—And Stay Asleep
Ascultă These Are the Best Sound Machines That Can Help You Fall Asleep—And Stay Asleep pronunția
W hether your sleep problems are caused by distracting nighttime noises or anxious thoughts (or both!), or you’ve been struggling with more general insomnia for a while, a sound machine coul..Vezi articolul
Well+Good Well+Good
You can now fall asleep with Niall Horan in your ear as Irish star lends voice to new mental health initiative
Ascultă You can now fall asleep with Niall Horan in your ear as Irish star lends voice to new mental health initiative pronunția
NIALL Horan is to help put people to sleep by lending his voice to a mental health initiative.  The Mullingar singer is an investor and an ambassador for the Irish athleisure brand
Irish Sun Irish Sun
Robot Murder Dog New Thing to Worry About as You Fall Asleep
Ascultă Robot Murder Dog New Thing to Worry About as You Fall Asleep pronunția
It didn't take long for someone to design a remote control rifle for quadruped robots.
Gizmodo Gizmodo
Dream Driving For Adults? This Bus Tour In Hong Kong Helps People Fall Asleep
Ascultă Dream Driving For Adults? This Bus Tour In Hong Kong Helps People Fall Asleep pronunția
Have you ever tried driving your kid around to get them to sleep quickly? It's called “dream driving” and apparently, this is also effective for sleep-deprived adults! A local travel agency..Vezi articolul
smartparenting.com.ph smartparenting.com.ph
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Ortografia fonetică a fall asleep

Cum se pronunță Charlize theron?

chaar-leez the-hru-hn
shaar-leez theh-ruhn
shaarl-eez theh-RUHN
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