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Aflați cum se pronunță fitfully


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ipa : ˈfɪtfəlɪ
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Semnificații pentru fitfully

Fitfully means to do something in an irregular, restless, or intermittent way.

Sinonime pentru fitfully

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Urged by the duke of Argyll, Tennyson now turned his attention to the theme of the Holy Grail, though he progressed with it but fitfully and slowly.
652) to Liutprand (712-744) the Lombard kings, succeeding one another in the irregular fashion of the time, sometimes by descent, sometimes by election, sometimes by conspiracy and violence, strove fitfully to enlarge their boundaries, and contended with the aristocracy of dukes inherent in the orig
Dean slept fitfully, once he managed to count sufficient sheep to do so, with dreams and mind games interchanging so rapidly as to blur the borders more than a map of Africa.
Yully slept fitfully and awoke before dawn, unable to rest with her troubled thoughts.
Cassie slept fitfully that night and woke in the morning with a start.

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