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Aflați cum se pronunță flood in

flood in

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Semnificații pentru flood in

arrive in great numbers

Sinonime pentru flood in

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Rivers flood in central Europe
Ascultă Rivers flood in central Europe pronunția
Donations flood in for sickly Gammy and Thai surrogate mum as biological parents lay low after taking his healthy twin sister to Australia
NINE-HUNDRED thirty four barangays are facing landslide risk while 3,958 barangays are susceptible to flood in areas placed under Public Storm Warning Signal number one, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said Monday
There was a disastrous fire in 1829, an epidemic of yellow fever in 1839, and a flood in 1840, but the growth of the city was not seriously checked; the cotton receipts of 1846 were 212,019 bales, and in 1847 a cotton factory was built.
The state and the national government co-operate in the construction and maintenance of this system, but the Federal government did not give material aid (the only exception being the grant of swamp lands in 1850) until the exceptionally disastrous flood in 1882.
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