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Aflați cum se pronunță formulated


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Semnificații pentru formulated

It is a verb that denotes an act of organizing for doing something.

Sinonime pentru formulated

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "formulated" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Benjamin Moore, North America's favorite paint, color and coatings brand, today announced its newest product offering, Benjamin Moore Regal® Select Exterior REVIVETM, a premium paint specifically formulated with Vinyl-Lock technology to provide superior adhesion and durability to vinyl siding
‘Master plan to facilitate MAS’ restructuring to be formulated as soon as possible’
It need not, therefore, surprise us that the man who formulated the sum of virtue in justice and benevolence was unable to be just to his own kinsfolk and reserved his compassion largely for the brutes, and that the delineator of asceticism was more than moderately sensible of the comforts and enjoy
Folk-right is the aggregate of rules, formulated or latent but susceptible of formulation, which can be appealed to as the expression of the juridical consciousness of the people at large or of the communities of which it is composed.
In 1879 C. Nageli formulated his well-known molecularphysical theory, which supported Liebig's chemical theory on the one hand and Pasteur's physiological hypothesis on the other: Fermentation is the transference of the condition of motion of the molecules, atomic groups and atoms of the various co

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