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Semnificații pentru gap
energy gap
empty gap
social gap
technological gap
huge gap
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Exemple de într-o propoziție
there was a small opening between the trees
Gap Inc. Leans on Denim, Active to Sustain Q2 Momentum

Gap launches curbside pick-up and Buy Online, Pick-up in Store

Gap is going beyond hoodies and jeans, taking aim at the $326 billion markets for home, sleep and underwear

Gap Inc. partnerships boosted brand awareness in best Q2 in a decade, but more store closures ahead

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Trend știri despre gap
Gap Inc. Canada Launches Curbside Pick-Up and Buy Online Pick-up in Store

Gap Inc. Canada has launched two new ways to shop for all your essentials, cozywear, denim and more. Starting this week, Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy stores in Canada are now offering B..Vezi articolul
The Black Mortality Gap, and a Document Written in 1910

Black Americans die at higher rates than white Americans at nearly every age. In 2019, the most recent year with available mortality data, there were about 62,000 such earlier dea
New York Times
Meet the Latina Pros Teaching Women to Close the Pay Gap by Investing

These Latina finance influencers have had different money journeys, but they all have common goals—and foes, including the biggest money challenge facing women today (spoiler: It's investing..Vezi articolul
The European Pre-Seed Funding Gap Is Here And It’s A Problem

The European venture capital market har been flooded with capital. However, not everyone gets a piece of the pie. A gap has appeared at the pre-seed stage in Europe.
Bridge the Gap to offer Midland event Tuesday

In an effort to strengthen the ties between local police departments and the wider community, Bridge the Gap is hosting its third and final Feed the City event from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug...Vezi articolul
Our Midland MI
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