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Aflați cum se pronunță geological formation
geological formation

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Ortografia fonetică a geological formation
ge-o-log-i-cal for-ma-tion
geo-lo-gical form-a-tion
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Their geological formation is metamorphic gneiss, veined with felspar and quartz, and interspersed with reddish porphyrite.
The geological formation of the plateau consists of thin beds of hard silicious chalk, locally called misse, which overlie a thick bed of soft white limestone, known by the name of meleke.
The next geological formation which is represented is the Eocene, consisting of nummulitic limestone, sandstone and schist.
Traduceri de geological formation
Telugu :
భూగర్భ నిర్మాణం
Korean :
지질 형성
Arabic :
تكوين جيولوجي
Italian :
formazione geologica
Japanese :
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