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Aflați cum se pronunță Gethsemane


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Pronunție de Gethsemane cu 14 audio pronunții
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    Semnificații pentru Gethsemane

    It is a garden in Jerusalem where Jesus prayed to God after his last supper with his disciple
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    Garden that Jesus prayed in after the Last Supper.
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    The garden on the East side of Jerusalem where Jesus went after the last supper with his disciples; eventually was arrested by the Pharisees. Signifying the start of Jesus' passion.
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    Wiki conținut pentru Gethsemane

    Gethsemane - Gethsemane ( gheth-SEM-ə-nee; Ancient Greek: Γεθσημανή, romanized: Gethsēmanḗ; Hebrew: גת שמנים‎, romanized: Gat Shmaním; Classical Syriac: ܓܕܣܡܢ‎, romanized: Gaḏ Šmānê, lit.
    Gethsemane (The X-Files) - "Gethsemane" is the twenty-fourth and final episode of the fourth season of the American science fiction television series The X-Files.
    Gethsemane Church - Gethsemane Church (German: Gethsemanekirche) is one of four church buildings of the Lutheran Northern Prenzlauer Berg Evangelical Congregation (German: Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Prenzlauer
    Gethsemane Lutheran Church - Gethsemane Lutheran Church is a historic Lutheran church in downtown Austin, Texas. Designated as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark and listed on the National Register of Historic Places (to
    Gethsemane Cemetery - The Gethsemane Cemetery is located in Little Ferry, Bergen County, New Jersey, United States on an acre on a sandy hill just off U.S.
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    Exemple de într-o propoziție

    Gethsemane (From the Musical ”Jesus Christ Superstar”)
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    From the Last Supper to the Garden of Gethsemane
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    Gethsemane (I Only Want to Say)
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    Gethsemane Lutheran Church Helps Feed Neighbors In Need
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    Gethsemane Lutheran Church
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    Traduceri de Gethsemane

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    Trend știri despre Gethsemane

    Jenelle Magbutay from Las Vegas - Gethsemane - Jesus Christ Superstar
    Ascultă Jenelle Magbutay from Las Vegas - Gethsemane - Jesus Christ Superstar pronunția
    You may vote once per round, ranking as many performers as you'd like. All fields are required.
    image-unavailable BroadwayWorld
    A lesson on prayer from the Garden of Gethsemane
    Ascultă A lesson on prayer from the Garden of Gethsemane pronunția
    As we continue on our Lenten journey and move closer to Holy Week, we can gain insight about prayer by reflecting on Jesus’ own prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Regardless of our age ...
    image-unavailable Catholic News Agency
    Gethsemane Lutheran Church
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    North Minneapolis Church Helps Community Access Food ResourcesA Gethsemane Lutheran Church pastor is playing a key role in ensuring that people in the North Side receive food during this dif..Vezi articolul
    image-unavailable CBS Minnesota
    Gethsemane Lutheran Church Helps Feed Neighbors In Need
    Ascultă Gethsemane Lutheran Church Helps Feed Neighbors In Need pronunția
    Due to COVID-19 and the recent unrest in the Twin Cities, Gethsemane Lutheran Church in north Minneapolis is helping distribute groceries to neighbors in need. To volunteer, call 612-521-357..Vezi articolul
    image-unavailable CBS Minnesota
    Gethsemane (I Only Want to Say)
    Ascultă Gethsemane (I Only Want to Say) pronunția
    He spends it climbing on the rocks in the garden of Gethsemane while praying. This song shows Jesus' struggle to accept his fate.
    image-unavailable Genius
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