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Aflați cum se pronunță gift

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Ortografia fonetică a gift
Semnificații pentru gift
something acquired without compensation
give gifts to children

gift from his father

gift of eternal life

gift of foreseeing things

Sinonime pentru gift
Wiki conținut pentru gift
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Need a Last Minute Gift? A Very Forward Guide to Hanukkah Gifts
The best apps and games to buy with the App Store gift card you just unwrapped
Editor Picks: We’re Buying This Polaroid Camera With Our Amazon Gift Card
Police: Disposed holiday gift boxes display new presents to thieves
Tips to help you make the most of your gift return or exchange
Traduceri de gift
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Trend știri despre gift
More For Your Vaccine: Get The COVID Shot At Market Basket, Earn A $25 Gift Card

Select supermarkets will be hosting mobile COVID vaccine clinics – and anyone who gets vaccinated at one will get a $25 grocery store gift card. Gov. Charlie Baker made the announcement Wedn..Vezi articolul
CBS Boston on MSN.com
Get Your Vaccine, And A $25 Gift Card, On Your Next Trip To Market Basket

The governor said vaccines would be available without an appointment Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week at pop-up clinics in the parking lots of Market Basket stores in Chelsea, Fall Ri..Vezi articolul
New vax lure: $25 gift card to Market Basket

Need to pick up a loaf of bread and some milk at the store? Maybe some steaks to throw on the grill this weekend?
New vaccination lure: a Market Basket gift certificate

Need to pick up a loaf of bread and some milk at the store? Maybe some steaks to throw on the grill this weekend? Why not get a COVID-19 shot at the same time, and save on
The Lowell Sun
Charlie Baker offers $25 gift cards to people who get vaccinated at Market Basket clinics

Getting a vaccine is as convenient as heading to the grocery store these days, and with a new state promotion, getting your shot can even save you a few bucks on your shopping.
Boston Herald on MSN.com
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