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ipa : ˈgɪzməʊ
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Semnificații pentru gizmo

It is an American Punk band that received immense recognization with their song "The Midwest Can Be Allright".

Sinonime pentru gizmo

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Gizmo Rages Out In A Vein-Popping ‘100 Eyes’ Performance For ‘UPROXX Sessions’
Ascultă Gizmo Rages Out In A Vein-Popping ‘100 Eyes’ Performance For ‘UPROXX Sessions’ pronunția
The new search facility has a neat little slider gizmo that lets you filter further still.
My new gizmo is wonderful, with no cable to snag on the edge of the desk or to tangle with the keyboard cable.
Linked Products Why not try to sell extra products by reminding your customer that they really need a widget when they buy a gizmo.
Wedgie & Gizmo
Ascultă Wedgie & Gizmo pronunția
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Traduceri de gizmo

Trend știri despre gizmo

Kinsane Nabs Media Rights for Middle-Grade Trilogy Wedgie & Gizmo
Ascultă Kinsane Nabs Media Rights for Middle-Grade Trilogy Wedgie & Gizmo pronunția
Multi-media company Kinsane Entertainment Inc. acquired the media adaptation rights for best-selling author Suzanne Selfors' comedic Wedgie & Gizmo book series published by HarperCollins.
image-unavailable Bleeding Cool
Wedgie & Gizmo
Ascultă Wedgie & Gizmo pronunția
acquired the media adaptation rights for best-selling author Suzanne Selfors’ comedic Wedgie & Gizmo book series published by HarperCollins Kinsane reported they planned to develop the liter..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable Bleeding Cool
Sunday Supper: Norwegian Waffles; Carl's Gizmo Sandwich
Ascultă Sunday Supper: Norwegian Waffles; Carl's Gizmo Sandwich pronunția
For a taste of the Minnesota State Fair at home, here are two options to help you remember a few of the familiar foods. Makes 14 (from 7 cups batter). Note: Stine Aasland’s popular Nordic ....Vezi articolul
image-unavailable StarTribune
Movies tagged with: Gizmo
Ascultă Movies tagged with: Gizmo pronunția
Bits readers: Jahnke's Electric Theatre's Disney-Plus-Or-Minus also has a look at the 1955 #Disney nature documentary THE AFRICAN LION. @DrAdamJahnke ...
image-unavailable The Digital Bits
DJI Om 4: A great gizmo for budding smartphone Scorseses
Ascultă DJI Om 4: A great gizmo for budding smartphone Scorseses pronunția
Fancy yourself as a budding film-maker but only have your smartphone? These days that doesn’t matter. Most of the premium smartphones can hold their own with the dedicated cameras of yesterd..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable The Irish Times
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