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Aflați cum se pronunță hedgerows

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Ortografia fonetică a hedgerows
Semnificații pentru hedgerows
This is a term that refers to the closely spaced trees that are grown in an orderly manner.
Wiki conținut pentru hedgerows
Exemple de într-o propoziție
The butterflies usually oviposit on nettles growing in smallish clumps in sunny woodland glades, or in the vicinity of hedgerows.
In laying off receiving drains it is essential to give hedgerows and trees a good offing, lest the conduit be obstructed by the roots.
Traduceri de hedgerows
Portuguese :
Chinese :
Russian :
Живые изгороди
Spanish :
Los setos
Italian :
Adauga hedgerows detalii
Sinonime pentru hedgerows
Antonime pentru hedgerows
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Martie 26, 2025