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Aflați cum se pronunță helper


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Pronunție de helper cu 1 audio pronunții
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Theater Fans Stuck at Home Can Listen to Reed Birney's Interview on The Audition Helper
Ascultă Theater Fans Stuck at Home Can Listen to Reed Birney's Interview on The Audition Helper pronunția
Coronavirus: Philippines’ Luzon lockdown hits domestic helper agencies in Singapore
Ascultă Coronavirus: Philippines’ Luzon lockdown hits domestic helper agencies in Singapore pronunția
The Helper Bees’ Virtual Home Health Assessments Assist Caregivers, Clinicians & Insurers During COVID-19 Crisis
Ascultă The Helper Bees’ Virtual Home Health Assessments Assist Caregivers, Clinicians & Insurers During COVID-19 Crisis pronunția
BRIEF-Happy Helper Suspends Guidance For 2020/21
Ascultă BRIEF-Happy Helper Suspends Guidance For 2020/21 pronunția
Beware of the handyman or his helper
Ascultă Beware of the handyman or his helper pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de helper

Trend știri despre helper

Are you a hoarder or a helper?
Ascultă Are you a hoarder or a helper? pronunția
You might also consider helping out neighbors whose employment has been disrupted as a result of the virus by helping them to purchase necessities. In other words, become a good guy and come..Vezi articolul
Marshfield Mail Marshfield Mail
A way for kids to cope: Draw a helper
Ascultă A way for kids to cope: Draw a helper pronunția
So he started the “Who Are the Helpers?” initiative. Children are invited to think of a helper, draw that person, and mail their picture to the police station. Anyone can be a helper, from t..Vezi articolul
The Herald-Palladium The Herald-Palladium
Lenawee Community Foundation: In scary times, 'look for the helper' and 'be the helper'
Ascultă Lenawee Community Foundation: In scary times, 'look for the helper' and 'be the helper' pronunția
Mister Rogers said, “When I was a boy I would see scary things in the news, and my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” We certainly..Vezi articolul
Lenconnect Lenconnect
Ira Khan’s Cute Elf-Turned-‘Helper’ Look For ‘Santa’ Aamir Khan in THIS Throwback Picture is Total Treat!
Ascultă Ira Khan’s Cute Elf-Turned-‘Helper’ Look For ‘Santa’ Aamir Khan in THIS Throwback Picture is Total Treat! pronunția
She captioned the pictures, “Santa’s helper I even have the ears for it! … #throwback #christmas #missing #santashelper #elf #elfears #fashiondiaster #film #nostalgia (sic).” Aamir Khan and..Vezi articolul
India.com India.com
Be a Helper: How to Contribute to Your Community During Coronavirus
Ascultă Be a Helper: How to Contribute to Your Community During Coronavirus pronunția
Several Bay Area counties — including San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin and Santa Clara — announced midday Monday that a shelter-in-place order would be in effect from midnight on..Vezi articolul
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Cum se pronunță Kohima?

koh - huh - maa
kofh - heuh - mtaa
koyyh - hoouh - mopaa
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