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Aflați cum se pronunță Hessian boot

Hessian boot

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Ortografia fonetică a Hessian boot

Hess-ian boot
Hes-sian boot
hessian boot

Semnificații pentru Hessian boot

The meaning of this word refers to a boot that was high tassel and it is worn by Hessian soldiers.
The meaning of this word refers to a boot that was high tassel and it is worn by Hessian soldiers.

Sinonime pentru Hessian boot

Wiki conținut pentru Hessian boot

Hessian (boot) - The Hessian (; from Hesse in Germany) is a style of light boot that became popular from the beginning of the 19th century.
Hessian Football Association - The Hessian Football Association (German: Hessischer Fußball-Verband), the HFV, is one of 21 state organisations of the German Football Association, the DFB, and covers the state of Hesse.The

Traduceri de Hessian boot

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