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Pronunție de hunter cu 6 audio pronunții
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ipa : ˈhʌntə
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Ortografia fonetică a hunter

HUHN -tuhr
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Semnificații pentru hunter

a person who searches for something
big game hunter
someone who hunts game
A footwear manufacturing company located in the united kingdom, which was founded in the year 1956.
A footwear manufacturing company located in the united kingdom, which was founded in the year 1956.
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Sinonime pentru hunter

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "hunter" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Wiki conținut pentru hunter

Hunter × Hunter - Hunter × Hunter (Japanese: ハンター×ハンター, Hepburn: Hantā Hantā) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi.
Hunter S. Thompson - Hunter Stockton Thompson (July 18, 1937 – February 20, 2005) was an American journalist and author, and the founder of the gonzo journalism movement.
Hunter College - Hunter College is one of the constituent colleges of the City University of New York, an American public university.
Hunter-gatherer - A hunter-gatherer is a human living in a society in which most or all food is obtained by foraging (collecting wild plants and pursuing wild animals).
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Wiki

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Hunter says he caught 'Bigfoot' on camera
Ascultă Hunter says he caught 'Bigfoot' on camera pronunția
Rep. Hunter calls for hearings about alleged "cold-blooded killings" of civilians by U.S. Marines
Singer-songwriter Robert Hunter dies, aged 78
Ascultă Singer-songwriter Robert Hunter dies, aged 78 pronunția
Flooding hits NSW Hunter Region
Ascultă Flooding hits NSW Hunter Region pronunția
'Bigfoot' hunters claim to have found corpse of mythical creature in Georgia, USA
Ascultă 'Bigfoot' hunters claim to have found corpse of mythical creature in Georgia, USA pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de hunter

Trend știri despre hunter

Rep. Duncan Hunter to resign shortly after the holidays
Ascultă Rep. Duncan Hunter to resign shortly after the holidays pronunția
Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter of California will resign shortly after the holidays after pleading guilty earlier this week to one count of conspiracy in a case surrounding his alleged misuse..Vezi articolul
Rep. Duncan Hunter announces he’ll resign from Congress after the holidays
Ascultă Rep. Duncan Hunter announces he’ll resign from Congress after the holidays pronunția
Days after Rep. Duncan Hunter pleaded guilty to a federal felony related to a yearslong campaign finance scandal, he has finally stated explicitly that he will resign from his congressional..Vezi articolul
Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times
Rep. Duncan Hunter says he'll resign 'shortly after the holidays'
Ascultă Rep. Duncan Hunter says he'll resign 'shortly after the holidays' pronunția
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who pleaded guilty in federal court this week to misusing campaign funds, announced Friday that he will resign from Congress "shortly after the holidays." "It h..Vezi articolul
SFGate SFGate
California Rep. Duncan Hunter says he will resign from Congress 'shortly after the holidays' following guilty plea to misusing campaign finds
Ascultă California Rep. Duncan Hunter says he will resign from Congress 'shortly after the holidays' following guilty plea to misusing campaign finds pronunția
California Rep. Duncan Hunter who pleaded guilty in federal court to a single felony count of misuse of campaign funds said Friday said he will resign after the holidays. Hunter and his wife..Vezi articolul
Rep. Hunter Announces Resignation Days After Guilty Plea
Ascultă Rep. Hunter Announces Resignation Days After Guilty Plea pronunția
California Rep. Duncan Hunter will resign after the holidays, after pleading guilty this week to illegally using campaign funds for personal expenses, his office disclosed Friday. In a two-s..Vezi articolul
NBC New York NBC New York
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