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innocent young girl
innocent victim
loss of innocent life
innocent joke
innocent party
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

World leaders condemn deadly explosions in Egypt
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Russian meeting with Hamas provokes criticism from Israel
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Brother of murdered Pakistani social media star sentenced to life
Ascultă Brother of murdered Pakistani social media star sentenced to life pronunția
Polish Deputy Prime Minister Andrzej Lepper sacked
Ascultă Polish Deputy Prime Minister Andrzej Lepper sacked pronunția
Zimababwe Zanu-PF party dismisses Tsvangirai unity boycott
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Trend știri despre innocent

Rand Paul Swears There’s an Innocent Explanation for Not Disclosing His Wife’s COVID Stocks for 16 Months
Ascultă Rand Paul Swears There’s an Innocent Explanation for Not Disclosing His Wife’s COVID Stocks for 16 Months pronunția
The Senator’s wife invested in a company that makes COVID treatments as he insisted the virus was nothing to worry about and preventative measures should be ignored.
Vanity Fair Vanity Fair
Teen, 16, Shot at Conn. Mall; Believed to Be Innocent Bystander, Police Say
Ascultă Teen, 16, Shot at Conn. Mall; Believed to Be Innocent Bystander, Police Say pronunția
Connecticut State Police are responding to the Danbury Fair Mall to assist Danbury police with a report of shots fired, state police confirmed Wednesday.
NBC New York on MSN.com NBC New York on MSN.com
3 Retired Philadelphia Detectives Charged With Perjury In Wrongful Conviction Of Innocent Man
Ascultă 3 Retired Philadelphia Detectives Charged With Perjury In Wrongful Conviction Of Innocent Man pronunția
Philadelphia To Create 'Bus Only' Lanes To Combat Traffic Congestion In Center CityYou'll see them on Market Street between 15th and 20th Streets, as well as JFK Boulevard between 15th and 1..Vezi articolul
CBS Local CBS Local
3 ex-detectives in Philadelphia were charged with lying on the witness stand during an innocent man's retrial
Ascultă 3 ex-detectives in Philadelphia were charged with lying on the witness stand during an innocent man's retrial pronunția
Prosecutors alleged that in 1991, detectives forced a 20-year-old man to sign a false confession and lied about the location of a piece of evidence.
Aapki Nazron Ne Samjha SPOILERS: Darsh gets arrested, Nandini vows to prove he's innocent
Ascultă Aapki Nazron Ne Samjha SPOILERS: Darsh gets arrested, Nandini vows to prove he's innocent pronunția
The show Aapki Nazron Ne Samjha is keeping the audience entertained. The makers are coming up with new twists. Recently, viewers saw Rajvee was
pinkvilla.com on MSN.com pinkvilla.com on MSN.com
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Traduceri de innocent

Care este pronunția exactă a numelui Liam hemsworth?

lee - uhma heamz - vuahth
lee - uhm hemz - vuhth
leae - uhmaa heaamz - vauahth
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