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Aflați cum se pronunță judaea


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Pronunție de judaea cu 5 audio pronunții
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ipa : ˈʤuːdiːə
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Sinonime pentru judaea

Wiki conținut pentru judaea

Judea - Judea or Judaea (; from Hebrew: יהודה‎, Standard Yəhuda, Tiberian Yəhûḏāh, Greek: Ἰουδαία, Ioudaía; Latin: Iūdaea) is the ancient Hebrew and Israelite biblical, the contemporaneous Roman/Engl
Judea (Roman province) - The Roman province of Judea (; Hebrew: יהודה‎, Standard Yehuda Tiberian Yehûḏāh; Greek: Ἰουδαία Ioudaia; Latin: Iūdaea), sometimes spelled in its original Latin forms of Iudæa or Iudaea to di
Judeo-Christian - Judeo-Christian is a term which is used to group Christianity and Judaism together, either in reference to Christianity's derivation from Judaism, both religions' common use of the Bible, or
Judaean Mountains - The Judaean Mountains, or Judaean Hills (Hebrew: הרי יהודה Harei Yehuda, Arabic: جبال الخليل‎ Jibal Al Khalil), is a mountain range in Israel and the West Bank where Jerusalem and several oth
Judaea Capta coinage - Judaea Capta coins (also spelled Judea Capta) were a series of commemorative coins originally issued by the Roman Emperor Vespasian to celebrate the capture of Judaea and the destruction of t
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Jedidah was the daughter of Adaiah of Boscath, or Bozhath, and the wife of Amon, the wicked king who was murdered by his own servants

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