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Aflați cum se pronunță KADESH


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Ortografia fonetică a KADESH


Semnificații pentru KADESH

It is a Biblical name that means love.

Wiki conținut pentru KADESH

Kadesh (biblical) - Kadesh or Qadesh (in classical Hebrew Hebrew: קָדֵשׁ, from the root קדש "holy") is a place-name that occurs several times in the Hebrew Bible, describing a site or sites located south of, or
Kadesh (Syria) - Kadesh (also Qadesh) was an ancient city of the Levant, located on or near the headwaters or a ford of the Orontes River.
Kadesh inscriptions - The Kadesh inscriptions or Qadesh inscriptions are a variety of Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions describing the Battle of Kadesh.
Kadesh - Qadesh, Qedesh, Qetesh, Kadesh, Kedesh, Kadeš and Qades come from the common Semitic root "Q-D-Š", which means "sacred."
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Forced back by Seti, the Kheta returned and were found holding Kadesh by Rameses II., who, in his fifth year, there fought against them and a large body of allies, drawn probably in part from beyond Taurus, the battle which occasioned the monumental poem of Pentaur.
Reduced the whole of northern Syria, and by the fame of his victories induced the king of Egypt to send him presents, yet he did not venture to attack Kadesh and Damascus, so that this kingdom acted as a buffer between the king of Assyria and the rising kingdom of Saul.
To presume to fight without it was to invite defeat, and on one notable occasion the Israelites attempted to attack their enemy north of Kadesh without its aid, and were defeated (Num.

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Care este pronunția exactă a numelui Patrice Evra?

puhh-tres eeh-vrh
puuh-triees ehh-vruhh
puh-trees eh-vruh
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