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Aflați cum se pronunță lather


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Pronunție de lather cu 4 audio pronunții
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Ortografia fonetică a lather

lath -er

Semnificații pentru lather

A popular Musical artist, who gained immense recognition for his album song 'Down You'.

Sinonime pentru lather

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "lather" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Wiki conținut pentru lather

Lather - Lather may refer to:
Lather, rinse, repeat - Lather, rinse, repeat (sometimes wash, rinse, repeat) is an idiom roughly quoting the instructions found on many brands of shampoo.
Lather (song) - "Lather", a song by Grace Slick, performed by US rock band Jefferson Airplane, is the opening track on the 1968 album Crown of Creation and was the B-side for the single of the same name.
Latheron - Latheron (from Scottish Gaelic Latharn, meaning 'muddy place') is a small village and civil parish in Caithness, in the Highland area of Scotland, centred on the junction of the A9 with the
Latheronwheel - Latheronwheel (from Scottish Gaelic Latharn a' Phuill, meaning 'muddy place of the pool') is a small Scottish village, in Caithness.
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

lather your body when you shower
The shaving cream lathered
Bachelor works himself into a lather
During the hot summer months, most of us recognize the importance of sun protection and will lather on some sunscreen and throw a hat on before heading outdoors, but it’s not just your skin that needs protection
BAD starts and the Albury- Wodonga Lady Bandits— lather, rinse, repeat
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de lather

Trend știri despre lather

Plan and Execute: Lather, Rinse, and Repeat
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Repeatability, scalability, dependability, reliability — words that are often used in describing a well-run business. Lather, rinse, and repeat are the words in the 4-pt. type on the back of..Vezi articolul
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Lather up in suds
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Most gels contain foaming agents such as Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) and Sodium Coco Sulphate (SCS) that help create the lather. The skin benefits of shower gels and soap bars vary dependin..Vezi articolul
Deccan Chronicle Deccan Chronicle
England's Marler in a lather over Japan's bathing protocol
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Asked about England's game with Argentina in Tokyo this weekend, Marler went off on an unexpected tangent, getting himself into a lather about the cultural faux pas. "Apparently you lot have..Vezi articolul
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Move over, THC. CBD has officially reached stardom. It’s being touted by athletes and celebrities for its healing properties. Infused in all manner of food and drink, CBD’s medicinal benefit..Vezi articolul
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