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Aflați cum se pronunță left wing

left wing

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Semnificații pentru left wing

It is a term that belongs to the category of noun, which means the political body that aims for social equality.

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

The whole of the Southern army in the west swung round on its left wing as the pivot, and Buell only just reached Louisville before his opponent.
The left wing of the Persians under Tissaphernes avoided a serious conflict with the Greeks; Cyrus in the centre threw himself upon Artaxerxes, but was slain in a desperate struggle.
We find in the Babylonian-Assyrian omen-texts special designations for the three main lobes of the sheep's liver - the lobus dexter, the lobus sinister and the lobus caudatus; the first-named being called the right wing of the liver, the second the left wing of the liver, and the third the midd

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teil-r swi-ft
tei-lr swift
te-ilr swif-t
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