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Aflați cum se pronunță loop


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Semnificații pentru loop

the topology of a network whose components are connected in a loop
an intrauterine device in the shape of a loop
a computer program that performs a series of instructions repeatedly until some specified condition is satisfied
the basic pattern of the human fingerprint
an inner circle of advisors (especially under President Reagan)
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Sinonime pentru loop

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "loop" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Wiki conținut pentru loop

Exemple de într-o propoziție

New Zealand local loop unbundled
New Zealand Government to unbundle local loop
Happy Trails: Great showcase of Cheyenne Mountain State Park on this loop
North Loop mixed-use project with 36-story apartment tower clears historic preservation hurdle
Crash blocking southbound frontage road traffic at Loop 360 and MoPac
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de loop

Trend știri despre loop

Apple Loop: New iPhone Leaks Reveal , AirPods Dominate Ears, iPhone 11’s Surprising Defeat
Taking a look back at another week of news and headlines from Cupertino, this week’s Apple Loop includes the new iPhone 12 design, the secret to selling more iPhones, which iPhone is winning..Vezi articolul
Forbes Forbes
Happy Trails: Great showcase of Cheyenne Mountain State Park on this loop
The Blackmer Trail is a perfect example. No, you won’t get high, dramatic vistas along the loop (for that, take the Dixon Trail to the mountaintop, if you’re fit for the long, steep journey)..Vezi articolul
The Gazette The Gazette
North Loop mixed-use project with 36-story apartment tower clears historic preservation hurdle
Houston-based Hines wants to build North Loop Green, which is to include a 36-story apartment tower with 450 rental apartments and a 14-story, 339,000-square-foot office tower on the west ed..Vezi articolul
StarTribune StarTribune
Loop Trolley breaks down on final ride
UNIVERSITY CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Loop Trolley star-crossed 13-month run has ended, with a breakdown on the final ride. The trolley that operates on a 2.2-mile route in St. Louis and Universit..Vezi articolul
St. Louis Post-Dispatch St. Louis Post-Dispatch
2 men beaten, robbed at Lake Red Line station in Loop
The group of six to 10 suspects started to punch the 61-year-old man in the face and body before also attacking a nearby 21-year-old man who tried to help, police said. A group of people bea..Vezi articolul
Chicago Sun-Times Chicago Sun-Times
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Care este pronunția exactă a numelui Roger federer?

raaw-jujh fehh-duhh-ruhh
raw-juh feh-duh-ruh
raw-guh feh-tuh-ruh
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