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Semnificații pentru lump

lump sum payment
lump fuel
These are swelling that is formed under the skin. They are formed due to inflammations, trauma, or tumors. A lump can also be harmful.
lump of ice
lump of coal
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

RockTenn Announces Limited Time Lump Sum Offering to More Than Nine Thousand Former Employees
P2.6T national budget has P500B lump sum
Mum and dad given devastating cancer news about lump on ...
Ascultă Mum and dad given devastating cancer news about lump on ... pronunția
Pineapple Lump fans rejoice as frozen dessert released
Ascultă Pineapple Lump fans rejoice as frozen dessert released pronunția
‘I found a lump three months after my mammogram was ...
Ascultă ‘I found a lump three months after my mammogram was ... pronunția
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Trend știri despre lump

'A lump of salt': Significance of Dandi March led by ...
Ascultă 'A lump of salt': Significance of Dandi March led by ... pronunția
The salt satyagraha spread nationwide, becoming the first call for civil disobedience and thus, one of the most important chapters of India’s Independence struggle.
Hindustan Times on MSN.com Hindustan Times on MSN.com
Don't panic if you see a lump on your armpit after COVID ...
Ascultă Don't panic if you see a lump on your armpit after COVID ... pronunția
As more Canadians receive COVID-19 vaccines, more and more people might encounter a side-effect that radiologists want the public to be more aware of —
Mum relives harrowing moment she learned egg-sized lump ...
Ascultă Mum relives harrowing moment she learned egg-sized lump ... pronunția
Generous supporters have raised over £28,000 to help Becky Parker, 34, find an alternative treatment after she was given the heart breaking diagnosis
The Mirror The Mirror
Dr Pimple Popper removes man's huge armpit lump that looks ...
Ascultă Dr Pimple Popper removes man's huge armpit lump that looks ... pronunția
WHILE many people may have an opinion on the size of breasts, most would agree on the number. But for 43-year-old Matt, his “third boob” was starting to impact his quality of life. The
The Scottish Sun The Scottish Sun
‘Lump of coal’: David Provan makes claim about Steven ...
Ascultă ‘Lump of coal’: David Provan makes claim about Steven ... pronunția
David Provan has claimed in The Scottish Sun that Rangers manager Steven Gerrard will not care if his players do not get a guard
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Cum se pronunță Kohima?

kofh - heuh - mtaa
koh - huh - maa
koyyh - hoouh - mopaa
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