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Semnificații pentru mutt
This is the Mongrel breed of dog, which is a mixed breed.
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Exemple de într-o propoziție
Karnataka: Pejawar Mutt seer Vishwesha Teertha’s driver is a Muslim
Vishwaprasanna Tirtha now seer of Pejawar Mutt
Pejavara mutt’s chief dies at 88
Who was Vishwesha Theertha Swamiji? Chief of Udupi's Pejawar Mutt
Pejawara Mutt Seer Vishvesha Thirtha Swamiji: A Life Of Dharma, Compassion, Scholarship And Reform
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Trend știri despre mutt
Pejawar Mutt Seer Vishwesha Theertha Swami Passes Away at 88
Vishwesha Theertha Swami, 88, the revered and outspoken seer of Udupi’s Pejawar Mutt, passed away on Sunday after he was hospitalised on 20 December. “May his soul attain moksha. I pray to L..Vezi articolul
The Quint
Pejavara mutt’s chief dies at 88
He was active in Ram Janma Bhoomi movement and was a vocal supporter of cow protection movement.(ANI Photo) The head of the Sri Pejavara Adhokshaja Mutt, Vishwesha Teertha Swami, died on Sun..Vezi articolul
Hindustan Times
Pejawara Mutt Seer Vishvesha Thirtha Swamiji: A Life Of Dharma, Compassion, Scholarship And Reform
Born in 1931, the swamiji of Udupi Pejavar Mutt would have been 89 on 27 April 2020, but is not amongst us anymore. He has steered Pejavar Mutt for eight decades, right from his first ‘Parya..Vezi articolul
Who was Vishwesha Theertha Swamiji? Chief of Udupi's Pejawar Mutt
Bengaluru, Dec 29: Vishwesha Tirtha Swami of the Pejawar Mutt passed away in Udupi on Sunday. He was 88. He was admitted to the Kasturba Hospital in Manipal for the treatment of extensive pn..Vezi articolul
Karnataka: State govt announces 3-day mourning over demise of Pejavara Mutt Seer
The Karnataka government on Sunday announced three-day mourning from December 29-31, following the demise of Pejavara Mutt Seer Vishwesha Teertha Swami. Pejavara Mutt Seer Vishwesha Teertha..Vezi articolul
India Today on MSN.com
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