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Ortografia fonetică a Nepean

nuh-pee-uh n

Semnificații pentru Nepean

It is a part of Ottawa. It was an ancient independent city which was then amalgamated with the Regional Municipality of Ottawa–Carleton.

Wiki conținut pentru Nepean

Nepean - Nepean may refer to:
Nepean, Ontario - Nepean is a part of Ottawa, Ontario, located west of Ottawa's inner core. It was an independent city until amalgamated with the Regional Municipality of Ottawa–Carleton in 2001 to become the
Nepean River - Nepean River (Darug: Yandhai), is a major perennial river, located in the south-west and west of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Nepean (electoral district) - Nepean is a federal electoral district in Ontario, Canada that was represented in the House of Commons of Canada from 1988 to 1997, and was reinstated during the 2012 electoral redistribution
Nepean Sailing Club - The Nepean Sailing Club (NSC) is a sailing club located on Lac Deschênes in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The club is based in Dick Bell Park, along Carling Avenue, adjacent to Andrew Haydon Park
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Allegations against teachers at Nepean High School leads to investigation
Ascultă Allegations against teachers at Nepean High School leads to investigation pronunția
Station Street, Penrith: Seven-storey building planned near Nepean Village
Ascultă Station Street, Penrith: Seven-storey building planned near Nepean Village pronunția
'He could be anywhere': OPP issue warrant for murder five years after man’s mysterious death somewhere between Nepean and Erin
Ascultă 'He could be anywhere': OPP issue warrant for murder five years after man’s mysterious death somewhere between Nepean and Erin pronunția
Ottawa man, 24, charged following ‘smash-and-grab’ thefts at Nepean businesses
Ascultă Ottawa man, 24, charged following ‘smash-and-grab’ thefts at Nepean businesses pronunția
A SPORTING CHANCE? Kanata, Ottawa Nepean Canadians sports clubs hit hard by COVID-19
Ascultă A SPORTING CHANCE? Kanata, Ottawa Nepean Canadians sports clubs hit hard by COVID-19 pronunția
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Traduceri de Nepean

Trend știri despre Nepean

Ray White Nepean Group
Ascultă Ray White Nepean Group pronunția
Ray White Nepean Group specialises in the sale and leasing of residential, strata titled & rural homes in every price sector and type throughout the Nepean District. With active databases fo..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable Domain
Families enjoy a Thanksgiving outing at The Log Farm in Nepean
Ascultă Families enjoy a Thanksgiving outing at The Log Farm in Nepean pronunția
many were out taking advantage of the warm weather on this Thanksgiving long weekend at the Log Farm in Nepean. "It’s a great family outing always, we're lucky to have such a nice fall," sai..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable CTV News
208 Sea Vista Rd Nepean Bay SA 5223
Ascultă 208 Sea Vista Rd Nepean Bay SA 5223 pronunția
At 938 sq.m this level allotment is just a short walk to the sandy beach. With underground power running past, this allotment comprises a grassed area with several small bushes. Fenced on on..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable Domain
Nature One Dairy looks to IPO after Nepean River Dairy acquisition
Ascultă Nature One Dairy looks to IPO after Nepean River Dairy acquisition pronunția
Australian-based dairy manufacturer Nature One Dairy has announced the completion of the acquisition of Nepean River Dairy (NRD) Pty Ltd for A$25.5m (US$18.6m), following shareholder approva..Vezi articolul
Dairy Reporter Dairy Reporter
Auroch Minerals (ASX:AOU) drills initial hole at Nepean Deeps
Ascultă Auroch Minerals (ASX:AOU) drills initial hole at Nepean Deeps pronunția
Auroch Minerals (ASX:AOU) has completed the first drill hole under its maiden drilling program at the Nepean Deeps target in Western Australia.
The Market Herald The Market Herald
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