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Semnificații pentru panel

a pad placed under a saddle
decorate with panels
a group of people gathered for a special purpose as to plan or discuss an issue or judge a contest etc
(law) a group of people summoned for jury service (from whom a jury will be chosen)
sheet that forms a distinct (usually flat) section or component of something
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Exemple de într-o propoziție

US Congress House panel OKs big cut in public broadcasting funds
Ascultă US Congress House panel OKs big cut in public broadcasting funds pronunția
Congressional panel concludes Gulf War Syndrome a legitimate condition
Ascultă Congressional panel concludes Gulf War Syndrome a legitimate condition pronunția
Microsoft disgruntled with partner Dell's interest in open source
Ascultă Microsoft disgruntled with partner Dell's interest in open source pronunția
Umpire Darrell Hair offers to quit ICC elite panel for $500,000
Ascultă Umpire Darrell Hair offers to quit ICC elite panel for $500,000 pronunția
WHO: H1N1 influenza virus still a pandemic
Ascultă WHO: H1N1 influenza virus still a pandemic pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Trend știri despre panel

Flat Panel Detector (FPD) Market 2021 is estimated to clock a modest CAGR of 3.2% During the forecast period 2021-2025 With Top Countries Data
Ascultă Flat Panel Detector (FPD) Market 2021 is estimated to clock a modest CAGR of 3.2% During the forecast period 2021-2025 With Top Countries Data pronunția
From USD 1110 million in 2019, Over the next five years the Flat Panel Detector (FPD) market will register a 3.2% CAGR in terms of revenue, The Global Market Size will reach USD 1256.8 milli..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable WBOC
Qolsys IQ Panel 4 from Johnson Controls
Ascultă Qolsys IQ Panel 4 from Johnson Controls pronunția
San Jose, CA — July 20, 2021 — Johnson Controls, the global leader for smart, healthy, and sustainable buildings announced the IQ Panel 4, a new model of the Qolsys IQ Panel improving on the..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable Security
Quorum Court considers upgrading lockup system at Miller County jail | Panel could vote on $3,000 in COVID-19 hazard pay for employees
Ascultă Quorum Court considers upgrading lockup system at Miller County jail | Panel could vote on $3,000 in COVID-19 hazard pay for employees pronunția
Digital central control locking system improvements for the jail, along with COVID-19 hazard pay for employees, will be two topics discussed during the Miller County Quorum Court's monthly m..Vezi articolul
Texarkana Gazette Texarkana Gazette
North Chelmsford crossings among items on traffic panel's list
Ascultă North Chelmsford crossings among items on traffic panel's list pronunția
Crosswalks and intersections in North Chelmsford and parking for the disabled in the town center highlight plans for the town's Traffic Committee.
image-unavailable Wicked Local
U.K. Takeover Panel Extends Clayton Dubilier Bid Deadline for Wm. Morrison
Ascultă U.K. Takeover Panel Extends Clayton Dubilier Bid Deadline for Wm. Morrison pronunția
By Ian Walker The U.K. Takeover Panel said Monday that it has extended the deadline for Clayton Dubilier & Rice LLC to make an offer for U.K. grocer
MarketWatch MarketWatch
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Cum se pronunță Viggo mortensen?

veeg-ow morti-nsn
vee-gow mor-tin-sn
vee-GO-w MOR-tinsn
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