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Aflați cum se pronunță patch


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Pronunție de patch cu 6 audio pronunții
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ipa : pæʧ
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Semnificații pentru patch

a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation
a short set of commands to correct a bug in a computer program
repair by adding pieces
patch a hole
cabbage patch
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Sinonime pentru patch

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "patch" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Wiki conținut pentru patch

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Microsoft releases emergency patch for WMF exploit
Ascultă Microsoft releases emergency patch for WMF exploit pronunția
Mozilla Foundation prepares third Firefox security update
Ascultă Mozilla Foundation prepares third Firefox security update pronunția
Long-running TV clown marks 50 years since debut
Stores drop game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" after given 'Adults Only' rating
Ascultă Stores drop game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" after given 'Adults Only' rating pronunția
Conficker computer worm infections soar
Ascultă Conficker computer worm infections soar pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de patch

Trend știri despre patch

How To Prepare An Alt Character For ‘World of Warcraft’ Patch 8.3
In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to prep a new alt for Patch 8.3, the Visions of N’Zoth content update, which is launching January 14. There are some glimmers of hope on the horizon:..Vezi articolul
Forbes Forbes
Future plan for patch of land causing community uproar in Golden
GOLDEN, Colo. -- A quiet patch of land sandwiched between the Golden Heights neighborhood, C-470, Interstate 70 and Green Mountain is in a tug-of-war of local interests. The desire to have a..Vezi articolul
FOX31 Denver FOX31 Denver
U.S. Oil Patch Stares Down $120 Billion Debt Wall
The oil patch is facing a reckoning in coming years when billions of dollars of debt that helped energy companies weather the prolonged commodity price slump comes due. Scheduled debt maturi..Vezi articolul
The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal
December 2019 Patch Tuesday forecast: Make sure to deploy year-end updates
Can you believe another year has passed and we’re approaching the last Patch Tuesday of the year? While I get ready to make another online gift purchase with my credit card, I can’t help but..Vezi articolul
Help Net Security Help Net Security
Smart, self-powered patch to put an end to €2.3 trillion bill caused by rust worldwide
The Department of Engineering at Aarhus University is developing a smart patch that can cut huge amounts off the costs of rust. Globally, corrosion is an enormous problem. It is estimated th..Vezi articolul
EurekAlert! EurekAlert!
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Antonime pentru patch

Cum se pronunță Walter brennan?

vawl-tuh breh-nuhn
vawl-tuh breh nu-hn
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