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Aflați cum se pronunță policewomen

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Ortografia fonetică a policewomen
puh-lees-woo m-uh n
Semnificații pentru policewomen
It is a famous American film directed by Lee Frost and released in 1974.
Exemple de într-o propoziție
It's not easy becoming an Indonesian policewomen
Leading human rights campaigner was found guilty by court of assaulting and injuring two policewomen at Bahrain airport Leading Bahraini human rights activist Maryam al-Khawaja has been jailed for a year in absentia for assaulting two policewomen, the Gulf island state’s official news agency repor
DUBAI (Reuters) - Bahraini human rights activist Maryam al-Khawaja was jailed for a year in absentia on Monday for assaulting two policewomen, the Gulf island state's official news agency reported
Policewomen out on roads to regulate traffic - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
Panaji, Nov 26 (IANS) Counselling skills are being imparted to 300 policewomen, including 80 sub-inspectors of Goa Police, to enable them handle better cases involving crimes against women, Director General of Police (DGP) T
Traduceri de policewomen
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