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Aflați cum se pronunță progress


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Pronunție de progress cu 22 audio pronunții
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IPA și ortografie Fonetică
ipa : ˈprəʊgres
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Ortografia fonetică a progress

noun prog-res, -ruhs

Semnificații pentru progress

form or accumulate steadily
significant progress
Ascultă significant progress pronunția
rapid technological progress
Ascultă rapid technological progress pronunția
progress in recent years
Ascultă progress in recent years pronunția
great deal of progress
Ascultă great deal of progress pronunția
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Antonime pentru progress

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Progress spacecraft fails to dock with International Space Station
Ascultă Progress spacecraft fails to dock with International Space Station pronunția
BP reports progress in oil spill cleanup
Ascultă BP reports progress in oil spill cleanup pronunția
Fiji makes progress on gender roles according to 2012 Report on Gender Equality and Development
Ascultă Fiji makes progress on gender roles according to 2012 Report on Gender Equality and Development pronunția
Chief of Fijian military claims that he is in control of Fiji
Ascultă Chief of Fijian military claims that he is in control of Fiji pronunția
Progress M-63 freighter en route to International Space Station
Ascultă Progress M-63 freighter en route to International Space Station pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de progress

Trend știri despre progress

Limited progress at Chengdu summit
The limited success of the summit between China, Japan and South Korea in Chengdu over Christmas highlighted common interests, but also underlined the deep-seated problems between the three..Vezi articolul
The Straits Times The Straits Times
Brown excited for signees, but UofL defense a work in progress
It’s no secret, the Louisville defense is very much a work in progress. Following back-to-back seasons that saw the prior coaching staff struggle to attract a quality defensive coordinator,..Vezi articolul
247 Sports 247 Sports
20-year-old Lincoln Southwest graduate makes remarkable progress after debilitating stroke
His recovery, doctors say, has been remarkable. “It happens, but not very often. Most of the time the story is very sad, and it takes a long time for families to understand they aren’t makin..Vezi articolul
Lincoln Journal Star Lincoln Journal Star
Sarepta Therapeutics: Continued Progress In Duchenne MD
Such progress would be very welcomed by patients, of course, with about one in every 4,000 males suffering from the condition. After Exondys 51 made its debut in Q4 2016, sales did come in a..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable Seeking Alpha
How To Measure Progress Versus Motion Amid Record Early Spending
That said, I will put my money behind the projection that no matter how much is spent, if the contours of the messaging and the targeting ultimately driving the placement isn’t correct, then..Vezi articolul
Campaigns and Elections Campaigns and Elections
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