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Aflați cum se pronunță Przybysz


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Semnificații pentru Przybysz

It is a polish surname.
Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "Przybysz" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Photos: Springfield's Aubrie Przybysz crowned the 2015 Miss Western Massachusetts
174 lbs Semifinal - Josef Johnson, Harvard vs Forrest Przybysz, Appalachian State
Polish girl Dagmara Przybysz who complained of classroom racism found dead at school
Dagmara Przybysz death: Inquest hears 'bullying' claims
Dagmara Przybysz was found hanged at school after being 'bullied for being Polish'
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de Przybysz

Trend știri despre Przybysz

Polish girl Dagmara Przybysz who complained of classroom racism found dead at school
Dagmara Przybysz died at the Pool Academy in Cornwall yesterday after police and paramedics rushed to the scene. The 16-year-old had moved from her native Poland with her family to live in t..Vezi articolul
dailymail.co.uk dailymail.co.uk
Dagmara Przybysz death: Inquest hears 'bullying' claims
A girl found dead at her school was being bullied by other students there, an inquest was told. Polish-born Dagmara Przybysz, 16, was found dead in a toilet at Pool Academy near Redruth on 1..Vezi articolul
Dagmara Przybysz was found hanged at school after being 'bullied for being Polish'
A 16-year-old girl found hanged in school toilets was taunted for being Polish, an inquest has heard. Dagmara Przybysz, who was a pupil at Pool Academy in Redruth, Cornwall, was found in toi..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable Sky News
Lori Rogers and Roxanne Cullen Przybysz take pride in restoring St. John's home
Lori Rogers and Roxanne Cullen Przybysz stand in front of the stained glass transom window in the front entrance to their home. - Sam McNeish It’s like a mix of music genres — a little bit c..Vezi articolul
The Telegram The Telegram
Dr. Przybysz Joins Wheeling Hospital Medical Team
WHEELING — Board-certified family medicine physician Dr. William Przybysz has joined the staff at Wheeling Hospital. He will be associated with the family medicine practice of Dr. Laura Mill..Vezi articolul
The Intelligencer The Intelligencer
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