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Aflați cum se pronunță reconstruction

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Ortografia fonetică a reconstruction
ree-kuh n-struhk-shuh n
Semnificații pentru reconstruction
Reconstruction Era was a period in American history that was dominated by the legal, social, and political challenges of abolishing slavery and reuniting the former Confederate States of America into the United States.
Sinonime pentru reconstruction
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Congressional dems visit to Iraq encourages support of Bush $81B "reconstruction" plan

Wikinews investigates the reconstruction of Pichilemu, Chile after February earthquake

Volunteers collaborate in reconstruction of Lolol, Chile

Maine, USA, Land Use Regulatory Commission approves reconstruction of camps on protected Allagash River

Reconstruction Aid Gives Hope to Families
Traduceri de reconstruction
Arabic :
إعادة الإعمار
German :
Spanish :
la reconstrucción
Portuguese :
Turkish :
yeniden yapılanma
Adauga reconstruction detalii
Antonime pentru reconstruction
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Martie 27, 2025
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Martie 28, 2025