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Aflați cum se pronunță Shalala

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Semnificații pentru Shalala
An album song that was composed by Vengaboys.
Wiki conținut pentru Shalala
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Shalala graduates with honors
Former HHS Secretary and Rep. Donna Shalala reflects on the life & legacy of her friend Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Former HHS Secretary Donna Shalala, again, failed to disclose stock sales in violation of federal law

Rep. Shalala on the trailblazing career of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Donna Shalala, Darren Soto stump for stalled COVID-19 relief legislation

Trend știri despre Shalala
Former HHS Secretary and Rep. Donna Shalala reflects on the life & legacy of her friend Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Reflecting on the life and legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Congresswoman Donna Shalala said her friend was “fearless.” It’s how Shalala will always remember the late Supreme Court jus..Vezi articolul
HealthLeaders Media
Former HHS Secretary Donna Shalala, again, failed to disclose stock sales in violation of federal law

Miami Democratic Rep. Donna Shalala failed to publicly report two stock sales, a violation of federal disclosure law for the second time in five months. Earlier this year, she acknowledged t..Vezi articolul
HealthLeaders Media
Rep. Shalala on the trailblazing career of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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Donna Shalala, Darren Soto stump for stalled COVID-19 relief legislation

Donna Shalala and Darren Soto are pushing for additional federal money to help Floridians affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, even as talks on new legislation seem stalled in Congress. Shalal..Vezi articolul
Florida Politics

Congresswoman Donna Shalala: Ruth Bader Ginsburg 'Was A Giant' In Women's Rights

CBS4's Karli Barnett spoke with the congresswoman about her friendship with the late Supreme Court justice. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interest..Vezi articolul
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