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Aflați cum se pronunță society


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ipa : səˈsaɪətɪ
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Semnificații pentru society

It is an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization.
society column
liberal society
modern society
criminal society
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Semnificații

Sinonime pentru society

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

World Summit on the Information Society ends in Tunisia
Ascultă World Summit on the Information Society ends in Tunisia pronunția
Project brings dialogue between society and prisoners
Ascultă Project brings dialogue between society and prisoners pronunția
Interview: PRS, the UK's music royalty collection society
Ascultă Interview: PRS, the UK's music royalty collection society pronunția
Royal Society education chief forced out in creation row
Ascultă Royal Society education chief forced out in creation row pronunția
German Physical Society demands nuclear disarmament
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de society

Trend știri despre society

EDITORIAL: Local hospitals point way for society in Pandemic 2.0
Ascultă EDITORIAL: Local hospitals point way for society in Pandemic 2.0 pronunția
Americans are coming to grips with sobering public health realities: The mutation and spread of SARS-CoV-2 again imperils the way we live. Many justifiably blame this latest surge on those
wacotrib.com wacotrib.com
Impulse to silence controversial views more dangerous than Federalist Society | Opinion
Ascultă Impulse to silence controversial views more dangerous than Federalist Society | Opinion pronunția
Driving controversial or opposing views underground should be off the table. The Federalist Society should not be cancelled.
Tennessean Tennessean
Judy Shepard elated to see all the out Olympians, only wishes society could welcome more
Ascultă Judy Shepard elated to see all the out Olympians, only wishes society could welcome more pronunția
Shepard has been fighting for LGBTQ acceptance for 23 years and is proud to see out Olympians doing the same. Judy Shepard and her husband, Dennis, have been watching a ton of the Tokyo Summ..Vezi articolul
Outsports Outsports
Vermont Medical Society supports health care worker COVID vaccine requirement. Here's why.
Ascultă Vermont Medical Society supports health care worker COVID vaccine requirement. Here's why. pronunția
The Vermont Medical Society announced its support this week amid the rise in COVID-19 cases in the U.S. due to the delta variant.
The Burlington Free Press The Burlington Free Press
Pampered Chef Donates 20,000 Pressure Cookers to American Cancer Society
Ascultă Pampered Chef Donates 20,000 Pressure Cookers to American Cancer Society pronunția
Pampered Chef continued its 22-year partnership with the American Cancer Society in a donation to the nonprofit’s Hope Lodge Program, which offers a free place to stay for cancer patients an..Vezi articolul
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Care este pronunția exactă a numelui Hank greenberg?

hangk green-buhg
hang gren-buhk
hank kreen-puhg
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