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Ortografia fonetică a subservient
suh b-sur-vee-uh nt
Semnificații pentru subservient
It is defined as being willing to do what other people want or less considering the people's opinion.
useful in an inferior capacity .
Sinonime pentru subservient
Wiki conținut pentru subservient
Exemple de într-o propoziție
having the qualities of a servant.
When parents become subservient to the state, children’s lives are jeopardized

Dave Says: In Your Work, Serve Without Being Subservient

Crown Perth subservient to Melbourne HQ

India Supreme Court: religious rights subservient to right to health and life

Traduceri de subservient
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Trend știri despre subservient
SC says ‘all sentiments’ subservient to right to life, asks UP to reconsider Kanwar Yatra decision

All sentiments, including religious, are subservient to the Right to Life, the Supreme Court said on Friday and asked the Uttar Pradesh government to inform by July 19 whether it would recon..Vezi articolul
The Tribune

SC says 'all sentiments' subservient to Right to life, asks UP to reconsider Kanwar Yatra decision

New Delhi, Jul 16 (PTI) All sentiments, including religious, are subservient to the Right to Life, the Supreme Court said on Friday and asked the Uttar Pradesh government to inform by July 1..Vezi articolul
Yahoo News India

ADUN SPEAKS | NEP subservient to the majoritarian agenda

ADUN SPEAKS | No other policy in the country has been analysed as much as the New Economic Policy (NEP). A policy that was introduced in the immediate aftermath of the May 13, 1969, racial r..Vezi articolul
Yahoo News Singapore

SC says ''all sentiments'' subservient to Right to life, asks UP to reconsider Kanwar Yatra decision

New Delhi, Jul 16 (PTI) All sentiments, including religious, are subservient to the Right to Life, the Supreme Court said on Friday and asked the Uttar Pradesh government to inform by July 1..Vezi articolul

Religious sentiments subservient to fundamental right to life and health of citizenry: Supreme Court on UP allowing Kanwar Yatra

“The health of citizenry of India and right to life is paramount, all other sentiments whether be religious is subservient to this basic fundamental right,” said Justice Nariman ...
The Financial Express

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