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Aflați cum se pronunță support


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Semnificații pentru support

any device that bears the weight of another thing
supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation
aiding the cause or policy or interests of
the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening
the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Semnificații

Sinonime pentru support

Antonime pentru support

Afla mai multe despre cuvântul "support" , originea, formele alternative și utilizarea de la Wikționar.

Exemple de într-o propoziție

they developed a scheme of mutual support
the president no longer had the support of his own party
he leaned against the wall for support
his support kept the family together
Olympics-Cycling-BMX gold hopeful Roberts thanks wife for support
Ascultă Olympics-Cycling-BMX gold hopeful Roberts thanks wife for support pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Traduceri de support

Trend știri despre support

Olympics-Cycling-BMX gold hopeful Roberts thanks wife for support
Ascultă Olympics-Cycling-BMX gold hopeful Roberts thanks wife for support pronunția
Hannah Roberts, tipped as a favourite to win the first women's BMX freestyle gold at the Olympics, had a more productive pandemic than most people. In the past year alone, 19-year-old Robert..Vezi articolul
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The Cybersecurity 202: The Trump administration’s top election defender is calling out Republicans who support the 'big lie'
Ascultă The Cybersecurity 202: The Trump administration’s top election defender is calling out Republicans who support the 'big lie' pronunția
This is a power play and this is about fundraising and that’s all this is,’ former CISA director Chris Krebs said.
Washington Post Washington Post
AUD/USD Weekly Price Forecast – Australian Dollar Looking for Support
Ascultă AUD/USD Weekly Price Forecast – Australian Dollar Looking for Support pronunția
The Australian dollar has gone back and forth during the course of the trading week as we dance around the 200 week EMA again.
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Amazon Stock Has Two Key Support Levels to Watch After Earnings Dip
Ascultă Amazon Stock Has Two Key Support Levels to Watch After Earnings Dip pronunția
Amazon stock is selling off after reporting its first earnings results without Jeff Bezos as CEO. Here's two key support levels to watch.
TheStreet.com on MSN.com TheStreet.com on MSN.com
Dolly Parton used royalties from 'I Will Always Love You' to support a Black neighborhood in Nashville
Ascultă Dolly Parton used royalties from 'I Will Always Love You' to support a Black neighborhood in Nashville pronunția
Dolly Parton used royalties from Whitney Houston's song 'I Will Always Love You' to honor the late singer in the best way.
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