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Ortografia fonetică a tyne


Semnificații pentru tyne

It may also refer to a city in England Newcastle upon tyne, which is widely recognized for its tilting aperture and industrial revolution.

Sinonime pentru tyne

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Wiki conținut pentru tyne

Tyne - Tyne is an Irish surname. Tyne may also refer to:
Tyne Daly - Ellen Tyne Daly (born February 21, 1946) is an American actress. She has won six Emmy Awards for her television work and a Tony Award, and is a 2011 American Theatre Hall of Fame inductee.
Tyne and Wear Metro - The Tyne and Wear Metro, referred to locally as simply the Metro, is a rapid transit and light rail system in North East England, serving Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, South Tyneside, North
Tynemouth (UK Parliament constituency) - Tynemouth is a constituency represented in the House of Commons of the UK Parliament since 1997 by Alan Campbell, a member of the Labour Party.
Tynemouth - Tynemouth () is a village and a historic former county borough in Tyne and Wear, England at the mouth of the River Tyne, 8 miles (13 km) east-northeast of Newcastle upon Tyne.
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