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Aflați cum se pronunță Vedder
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Ortografia fonetică a Vedder
Semnificații pentru Vedder
A surname that is of American origin and is used globally.
Wiki conținut pentru Vedder
- Vedder is a Dutch and Low German surname. Vedder, related to Dutch vader ("father"), meant "uncle" (father's or mother's brother) in Middle Dutch and Eastern dialects of Dutch.
Vedder River
- The Vedder River, called the Chilliwack River above Vedder Crossing, is a river in the Canadian province of British Columbia and the U.S.
Vedder Van Dyck
- Vedder Van Dyck (July 18, 1889 - August 2, 1960) was the fifth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont.
Vedder Crossing, Chilliwack
- Vedder Crossing is adjacent to the junction of the Chilliwack and Vedder Rivers at its southern boundary, and Promontory Road to the north.
- Vedderheia is a village in Søgne municipality in Vest-Agder county, Norway. The village is located about 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) north of the village of Lunde.
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Antonime pentru Vedder
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Ianuarie 21, 2025