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Aflați cum se pronunță Waechter


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Semnificații pentru Waechter

It refers to the surname of many notable people like "Friedrich Karl Waechter" a German cartoonist and playwright.
The watchman
Guard (literally 'watcher')

Wiki conținut pentru Waechter

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Obituary of Ella Rae Waechter
Waechter, Christopher James
Clarity is key for popular Portland-based firm Waechter Architecture
Furioso Vineyards by Waechter Architecture
Waechter Architecture’s Society Hotel Bingen frames the Pacific Northwest
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Trend știri despre Waechter

Pamplin Media Group - For Waechter, clarity begins at home
Ascultă Pamplin Media Group - For Waechter, clarity begins at home pronunția
Hot shot Portland archtect designs and builds his firm's new office entirely out of mass timber, and will live on the top floor
Portland Tribune Portland Tribune
Obituary of Ella Rae Waechter
Ella Rae Waechter, or “Ella girl/ Ella bean” was born April 5, 2018. She left her home and went to Heaven on the morning of June 29, 2019. Ella endured a lot during her short, fourteen month..Vezi articolul
image-unavailable The Union
Waechter, Christopher James
Christopher James Waechter, 45, of Lynchburg, passed on Thursday, April 4, 2019, after battling cancer. Born November 12, 1973 in N.J., Chris was a son of the late James John Waechter and Pa..Vezi articolul
The News & Advance The News & Advance
Clarity is key for popular Portland-based firm Waechter Architecture
Waechter Architecture will lecture at the Scholastic Auditorium at 130 Mercer Street, New York, New York, at 7:00 p.m. on March 14, as part of the Emerging Voices lecture series. For Ben Wae..Vezi articolul
The Architect's Newspaper The Architect's Newspaper
Furioso Vineyards by Waechter Architecture
But on Worden Hill Road in Dundee, Oregon, where some of the oldest vines grow, Portland-based Waechter Architecture, a 2016 Record Vanguard firm, recently completed a winery rehab for Furio..Vezi articolul
Architectural Record Architectural Record
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