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Pronunție de wages cu 5 audio pronunții
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ipa : ˈweɪʤɪz
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Semnificații pentru wages

public sector wages

Sinonime pentru wages

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

Australian opposition promises to scrap workplace agreements
Ascultă Australian opposition promises to scrap workplace agreements pronunția
Zimbabwe submits to popular pressure: foreign currencies now legal tender
Ascultă Zimbabwe submits to popular pressure: foreign currencies now legal tender pronunția
Police fight police in Brazil protest
Ascultă Police fight police in Brazil protest pronunția
Women's groups promote "Equal Pay Day" in Belgium
Ascultă Women's groups promote "Equal Pay Day" in Belgium pronunția
Australian government introduces "Fair Work" to parliament
Ascultă Australian government introduces "Fair Work" to parliament pronunția
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Sentința

Trend știri despre wages

Advocates and elected officials call on UPMC to raise wages and improve community outreach
Ascultă Advocates and elected officials call on UPMC to raise wages and improve community outreach pronunția
Advocacy group Pittsburgh United, along with some Pittsburgh elected officials, held a news conference Thu., Sept. 30, discussing the release of its report on
Pittsburgh City Paper Pittsburgh City Paper
350 janitors at Denver airport have voted to strike against $17-an-hour pay and 'understaffing.' They say low wages will make a labor shortage worse.
Ascultă 350 janitors at Denver airport have voted to strike against $17-an-hour pay and 'understaffing.' They say low wages will make a labor shortage worse. pronunția
"We are sick of being understaffed, overworked, underpaid, and undervalued for our work," one janitor at Denver International Airport said.
Yahoo! Sports Yahoo! Sports
Car washes, oil change shop ordered to pay $325K in back wages for underpaying employees
Ascultă Car washes, oil change shop ordered to pay $325K in back wages for underpaying employees pronunția
The owners of two car washes and an oil change shop in Westwood have been ordered to pay employees $325,000 in back pay and damages because they didn’t pay minimum wage or overtime for three..Vezi articolul
NJ.com on MSN.com NJ.com on MSN.com
New contract gives CT group home workers big win with higher wages, lower health insurance costs
Ascultă New contract gives CT group home workers big win with higher wages, lower health insurance costs pronunția
Group home workers at a Connecticut agency are no longer going on strike after settling a new contract with their employer.
‘Y'all Need Us': M-DCPS Bus Drivers Protest For Higher Wages
Ascultă ‘Y'all Need Us': M-DCPS Bus Drivers Protest For Higher Wages pronunția
Dozens of Miami-Dade public school bus drivers protested in Miami, saying they’re tired of being overworked and underpaid. The drivers voiced their frustrations along U.S 1 and SW 153nd Stre..Vezi articolul
NBC 6 South Florida on MSN.com NBC 6 South Florida on MSN.com
Spectacol mai mult mai putine Știri

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