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Aflați cum se pronunță barrenness

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Ortografia fonetică a barrenness
Semnificații pentru barrenness
the state (usually of a woman) of having no children or being unable to have children
It is an English term that refers to nudeness.
Sinonime pentru barrenness
Exemple de într-o propoziție
Akhdar is wonderful and is in striking contrast to the barrenness of so much of the coast; water issues in perennial springs from many rocky clefts, and is carefully husbanded by the ingenuity of the people; underground channels, known here as faluj, precisely similar to the kanat or karez of Persia
Fortunately Germany, which at the beginning of the century was delivered over to Brownism and vitalism and was deaf to Bichat, was rescued from this sort of barrenness by the brilliant experimental work of Claude Bernard and Pasteur in France - work which, as regards the attenuated virus, was a deve
One law of the panchayat is singular in its difference from the custom of any other native community in Asia; nobody who has a wife living shall marry another, except under peculiar circumstances, such as the barrenness of the living wife, or her immoral conduct.
This may be identical with that known as K6XXov II?pa, said to be a remedy for barrenness in women.
Traduceri de barrenness
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