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conform to

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Ortografia fonetică a conform to

conform to
con-form to

Semnificații pentru conform to

behave in accordance or in agreement with

Sinonime pentru conform to

Antonime pentru conform to

Exemple de într-o propoziție

Transgender (adjective, not a noun) An umbrella term for most terms associated with gender nonconformity – those for whom identity, expression, and/or behavior does not conform to expected gender norms
In lacking a browtine, and dividing in a regular fork-like manner some distance above the burr, the large and cylindrical antlers of this species conform to the general structural type characteristic of the American deer.
An ordinance of secession was passed on the 9th of January 1861, and the constitution was soon amended to conform to the new constitution of the Confederate States.
Conjoined twins conform to societal norms.
Follow a pattern
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Traduceri de conform to

Cum se pronunță predacious?

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