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Aflați cum se pronunță firewood

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Ortografia fonetică a firewood
fahyuh r-woo d
Semnificații pentru firewood
wood used for fuel
Exemple de într-o propoziție
A rare albino-mix redwood tree that is blocking a railroad right of way in Cotati will live on in a new location instead of being sawed down and made into firewood or mulch, officials announced this week to the delight of tree lovers and scientists
As firewood oak holds a high position, though in Germany it is considered inferior to beech for that purpose.
He became the servant of Amar Das, helped in the public kitchen, shampooed his master, drew water, brought firewood from the forest, and helped in the excavation of a well which Amar Das was constructing at Goindwal.
Wonky bits get chopped up for firewood.
The wooden table had one leg propped up by firewood, and only three of the eight chairs matched.
Traduceri de firewood
Tamil :
Indonesian :
kayu bakar
French :
Bois de chauffage
Hindi :
जलाऊ लकड़ी
Turkish :
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Antonime pentru firewood
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