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Ortografia fonetică a unplowed


Semnificații pentru unplowed

A word of American English origin means the land or area which is not worked under particularly the field or of soil

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Antonime pentru unplowed

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Exemple de într-o propoziție

BCA Alert: Burglars target homes with unplowed driveways
Ascultă BCA Alert: Burglars target homes with unplowed driveways pronunția
More than 1,900 people report unplowed streets in Lincoln
Ascultă More than 1,900 people report unplowed streets in Lincoln pronunția
Unplowed, icy roads disrupt garbage collection in ...
Ascultă Unplowed, icy roads disrupt garbage collection in ... pronunția
Hundreds of residents report unplowed streets three days ...
Ascultă Hundreds of residents report unplowed streets three days ... pronunția

Traduceri de unplowed

Trend știri despre unplowed

BCA Alert: Burglars target homes with unplowed driveways
Ascultă BCA Alert: Burglars target homes with unplowed driveways pronunția
Authorities are warning people the southwest Twin Cities metro of burglaries targeting homes with unplowed driveways.
Fox 9 Fox 9
More than 1,900 people report unplowed streets in Lincoln
Ascultă More than 1,900 people report unplowed streets in Lincoln pronunția
It’s kind of ridiculous.” In fact, more than 1,900 Lincoln people agree. That’s how many reports of unplowed roads had come in to UPLNK by 5:30 p.m. Thursday. That’s more complaints than the..Vezi articolul
Unplowed, icy roads disrupt garbage collection in ...
Ascultă Unplowed, icy roads disrupt garbage collection in ... pronunția
Due to unplowed and icy road conditions, waste collection was missed on several streets around Penticton. Here are the following areas that were too icy for pick up that have been announced..Vezi articolul
Penticton Western News Penticton Western News
Hundreds of residents report unplowed streets three days ...
Ascultă Hundreds of residents report unplowed streets three days ... pronunția
Lincoln residents continue to submit requests to the city to get their neighborhood roads plowed, and many are growing impatient.

Care este pronunția exactă a numelui Paul Ehrlich?

pawrl eruh - rluhk
pawl euh - luhk
pawyul eopuh - lutrhk
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